Video of the Week: Detecting Mites and Thrips Through Plant Washing

Greenhouse Grower occasionally highlights a video that shines a spotlight on the controlled-environment industry, from crop protection advice to insider views on plant production at greenhouse operations across the country. Have you recently produced a video that you want us to highlight? If so, please send a link to Greenhouse Grower Multimedia Specialist Nick Matysik at [email protected].

Mites and thrips are common pests of the floriculture and horticulture industries, known for feeding on plant tissues, piercing cells, and laying eggs. One of the main concerns of dealing with these pests is proper identification and detection, and therefore knowing when control measures should be implemented.

This week’s video from the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) looks at proper detection and sampling beyond plant inspections and taps. Instead, using the method of plant washing for greater accuracy when low levels of thrips and mites are present.

A Look at Varieties as Plant Trial Participants

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